

Where do you get fund units of Nomura Asset Management

You may subscribe units of NAM investment funds through your bank or at all direct banks and have them kept in your custody account for you.

Naturally you may purchase our fund units via an independent advisor.


Order Details

German domiciled Funds

  • Only written applications for subscription and redemption are accepted (including fax).
  • Order deadline: Weekdays 08.00h CET (cut-off).
  • Receipts after 08.00h CET: Settlement is carried out on the subsequent valuation date.
  • In case of forward pricing for Nomura Asset Management Europe KVG mbH mbH funds, the orders that were received within the order deadline will be settled with the price of the subsequent valuation date.
  • Valuta 3 days.


Please Download our Trading Guidelines for Direct Transactions



Ireland domiciled Funds

Please contact us if you have any questions regarding the order details for the Irish domiciled funds.