
Podcast: Fund Calibre ‘Investing on the Go’


Recorded 15th June 2020

In the following Fund Calibre ‘Investing on the go’ podcast, Dickie Hodges, Manager of our Global Dynamic Bond fund, shares his views on a range of topics including:


  • Why Russia and Egypt are better bets than the UK right now.
  • Why he thinks inflation may return in the second half of 2021.
  • Why corporate bonds became such an opportunity in March that he increased the funds weighting from 2% to 21%.
  • Why he felt the need to protect the fund from further stock market falls – which led to profits in the sell-off earlier this week.


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FundCalibre – Investing on the go · 76: Why Russia and Egypt are better bets than the UK


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The information on specific funds in this document is not intended as an investment advice, but rather as a brief presentation summarising the essential characteristics and key indicators of funds from the past. This data is not an indicator of future performance.
Full information on the NFI – Global Dynamic Bond Fund, which is relevant for an investment decision can be found in the sales prospectus, supplemented by the most recent annual and semi-annual report, and constitutes the only relevant basis in the event of purchasing units in the fund. The fund´s prospectus and Key Investor Information Document (KIIDs) in German are available free of charge at www.nomura-asset.co.uk or from Nomura Asset Management U.K. Ltd, 1 Angel Lane London EC4R 3AB England.